Training for Thursday, May 11

Saturday, May 13, 2017

I'm just going to cut to it: I had a small/more-painful-than-I-expected surgery on Friday morning (see what I did there?).

I won't be doing any training for about a week while I recover. 

I'll probably write a post about the surgery one day (don't worry, it was nothing even remotely life-threatening). I haven't told many people about it yet. Even though no one reads my blog, it would be wrong to share more about it here first. 

Thursday's training was pretty great, though. I've been killing the CrossFit game lately. I'm not totally where I want to be: I still can't do a muscle-up and I haven't really tried handstand push-ups. I actually had a dream last night where I was completing multiple MUs. It was glorious.

My elbow seems to be finally getting better. As you'll see below, I was able to snatch without it feeling like my elbow was going to burst out of my arm.

Thursday training:

Cycle and to U of M and back: 10 km

Lunch hour:

University of Manitoba Active Living Centre

1.5 mile run on track
I'm definitely still running the Manitoba half, but I'm not going to focus tons on training for it. It's just too time consuming and a bit boring. I'm going to aim to run between 3-10 miles a week. 

WOD prep: shoulder press complex (combo of snatch pulls, snatches, presses, push presses)

More shoulder work: 4 sets of 7 KB cleans, push presses, swings


A. Snatch Pull. Power Snatch, build to a max single (worked up to 65 kg ... I'll take that as PR)

30 – 20 – 10 reps of:

Shuttle Run

BJ overs (24/20″)

Toes 2 bar
Hand Release Push-ups

I finished the metcon at 15:49. Not bad. The box jumps and T2B were killers. Running and push-ups are my bread and butter.

Again, I won't be training this week ... which sucks but I have to recover. Renaissance Periodization is going to be a merciless beast the next seven days. As I've written before, no training = no food. It'll be a good challenge though.

I'm also having trouble accurately measuring my weight. I tend to do official weigh-ins on Wednesday. I tipped the scale at precisely 181 lbs. I was hoping to be below that. I weighed myself the next day and the reading was 178 lbs. I weighed myself at the doctor's office Friday and it was 183 lbs. Weird, I guess?

Anyway, I'm going to stay at cut 1 this week and then move to cut 2 regardless. I know weight isn't an accurate measurement for me (and how could be it be based on those fluctuations).  But I still want to adhere to the RP cutting principles of moving cuts when weight loss has plateaued.



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