Training for Thursday, May 4

Friday, May 5, 2017

I took an unexpected day off from training (and RP, somewhat) Thursday. I was tired, had the day off from work (which sorta destroys my routine ... and as a Libra, I thrive/I'm dependent on order), things got in the way, etc., etc. It's all good though. I think my body needed the rest. And I didn't veer too far off my diet. If anything, I didn't get enough of my macros in.

Thursday was an excellent training day. Maybe my best one in recent memory. I really have no idea why (maybe it was the day off?).

20 km bike to and from U of M


Every 90 seconds, 4 rounds: 
  • 6 Around the world with plate above head (15kg, 3ea) 
  • 20 Russian Twists and then hold the Hollow Rock position for 20-30sec 
  • *Goal is to maximize the amount of time spent in the hollow rock position.

Pull-ups in between rounds

Ran 3 miles (1.5 on treadmill, 1.5 on the track)

Out of safety concerns, I've begrudgingly decided to switch from the full-marathon to the half. I started my training late in the game and I haven't had/made enough time to even get into a routine. I've ran about 12 miles since I signed up for the full. Ultimately, I don't want to be an invalid for the week following the race. Will I go after the full next year? We'll see. 


AMRAP in 20 min

500m Row

12 Toes 2 Bar

12 Thrusters (30/20kg)

rest 10 min

AMRAP in 20 min

Run 400m

6 Muscle-ups
 (did a combo of 6 1 pull-ups/2 push-ups instead)
12 Clean and Jerk (40/30kg)

I SLAYED this. Probably my best workout at Prairie CF yet. I felt stronger as I progressed through the AMPAPs. I've never really felt that before. I don't know if I've gotten stronger since I joined Prairie, but my work capacity has gone through the roof. And I think RP has helped a lot with this. 

I'm posting this a day late (it's Friday today). I'm slated to go back to Prairie CrossFit today for another beast:

Press @ 31X1, 3-5 x 6; 3 mins

For 12 min
100 m Run
12 Hang Power Cleans
8 Front Squats
4 Push Press
rest 1 min
*Choose a weight you can do barbell movements unbroken

REST 1 min

For 12 min
100 m Run
12 Alternating DB Snatch
8 DB Goblet Squats
4/arm DB Single Arm Jerk
rest 1 min

I should really take it easy with those DB snatches. Literally the only movement that causes my forearm to flare up. I'll keep you all posted. 


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