Acronym for the day is DOMS, which stands for delayed onset muscle soreness. As I shared with you yesterday, reader, I did a whole pile of squats and literally prayed to not be sore. The aches and pains didn't truly set in until about 2 p.m. today. I've been walking with a noticeable limp since then. Oh well. I hope to cycle to work tomorrow so god willing it all works out.
Also, it's Timbits soccer season currently. And, if your kid is anything like mine or a few other kids I know of, it's also drink-too-much-water-or-gatorade-at-soccer-and-wet-the-bed season. Ugh. The worst.
Anyway, here's today's training. I didn't follow anything specific. I felt like working on my presses (both strict and dip presses). And I wanted to work on some pull-ups.
No cycle
Lunch hour
University of Manitoba Active Living Centre
6 sets of strict barbell shoulder presses x 4-6 reps (three seconds up; one second down; pause; three seconds up). Worked to and maintained 135 lbs.
5 sets of push presses x 3-5 reps. Worked up to 175 lbs.
10 sets of pull-ups x 5 reps.
Some quick hits:
- Going to weigh myself tomorrow. If I'm at 180 or lower, I'll continue with cut 1. If I'm 181 or higher, I'm going to change it up to cut 2. I haven't been keeping a firm grasp on my weight, but I'm fairly certain I've been losing around a pound a week since starting.
- With all the spring/summer activities popping off (softball, soccer, hockey) it's been getting a little more difficult prepping food. It's still happening ... but I'm staying up later than I want to. Going to try better moving forward with my nighttime routine.
- Sara Sigmundsdottir (spelled that without looking) posted an RP cookbook on her Insta-story today. That was pretty cool to see.
- Speaking of her, I checked out most of episode one of Road to the Games (I think that's what it's called) on the CrossFit website. So good. Her, Tia, Davidsdottir, and Julie are featured quite heavily as they train together at CrossFit Mayhem (home of Fittest Man in History, Rich Froning) in Tennessee. Other than them being actual beasts (the women were EASILY throwing 200 lbs-plus over their heads), the thing that struck me the most was how competitive they were. Through all the smiles and jokes was a palpable sense of fear, curiosity, defensiveness, and cockiness from the athletes. There are probably a few reasons for that. Unlike any other sport, it's hard to pull a rabbit out of your ass in CrossFit. You are who you are. You can't hide behind anything or fake your way through a lift or movement. And that can suck in that ultra competitive world.
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